"I Look Back and Can't Believe How Calm I Stayed"

"Hello! I just wanted to let you know that our little boy arrived safely on Tuesday morning at 6.41, 8lb5 and he is absolutely thriving and so unbelievably chilled! I was induced on Sunday with a 24hr pessary and they thought I may need further pessaries but they examined me the next day and I was dilated enough for them to break my waters! They took me down to delivery and broke them at around 11pm and the contractions intensified almost immediately! At this point I thought I would need an epidural but had diamorphe and just rolled on my birthing ball calmly with a good playlist on and by 2.30am I was fully dilated! I ended up needing the ventouse suction but I look back now and can’t believe how calm I stayed throughout the whole thing, no panic, no tears, no shouting just breathing and focusing! And I think all that may be what’s contributing to “A’s” complete relaxation! He is an absolute dream and I do put it all down to you!! Thank you so much for everything! I must admit I didn’t practice as much as I should have done but everything we discussed stayed with me! Xxx” - Francis